Corn Roast
Location: Johnson County Fairgrounds - Scott Hall
July 26 & 27 - 4:oo to 8:00
Tickets Available at the door
$15 per meal, Kids 5 & Under Free
Road construction at W 100 and State Road 144 has limited access to our church so, for the first time ever, the Hopewell Corn Roast is headed to the Johnson County Fairgrounds. We look forward to serving you inside air-conditioned Scott Hall from 4:00 - 8:00 this Friday and Saturday. While we may be serving you at a new location, you'll be greeted and served by the same familiar faces. Each meal ticket consists of the following: A delicious ham sandwich, choice of baked or green beans, coleslaw, fresh sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, dessert and of course, the freshest sweet corn you've ever eaten. Cash and Credit Card accepted. Enter the fairgrounds from Jefferson St. or HWY 31 by the Dairy Queen. We look forward to serving you this weekend!